Admission Procedure


The candidate must read the prospectus and university rules carefully before filling up the admission form.

Students seeking admission to the College must satisfy themselves regarding the eligibility which is to be governed by the rules given in the K.U. Calendar and Ordinaces.

In case of invalidity of the admission on account of inadvertence, they themselves shall be solely responsible for the consequence whatsoever.
The admission form complete in all respects with two photographs of passport size and one of stamp size must be submitted  along with the following documents:

  1. A provisional Certificate or School/College Leaving Certificate /Discharge
  2. Certificate issued by the head of the institution last attended by the applicant, must contain the following information in respect of the

Candidate :

  1. The last Examination passed
  2.  Attested photocopy of Matriculation Exam is required.
  3. Character Certificate
  4.  Certificate of all the examinations passed from Matriculation onward upto the class to which admission is sought.

Change of Subject /Faculty For Three ear Dgree Courses :
Students of T.D.C.-l are permitted to change subjects or faculty within one month from the  commencement  of the session.
Any other instructions received from the university in this regard will come into force and will be notified on the College Notice Board.

Casual Students No Casual admission will be made in the college. Only those students who have to appear in the practical exam. will be admitted on casual basis in the month of September.
All the admission made to various courses/faculties shall be provisional until these are regularized by the Registration Branch of K.U.K. after checking the eligibility of the student.

Student who have passed her previous exam other than Haryana Board/K.U.K. will  provide Migration Certificate within 30 days of admission otherwise her admission will be treated as provisional admission.

In case of any gap an affidavit duly attested by Public Notary will be submited by the student.

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